

7:14 a.m
Ding.... My alarm went off in the morning. This is the fourth day of my life after graduated from Brentwood. Today, I am going to Manitoba to visit the Warner's and see the beauty of the great Manitoba; It will be a 7 days trip. There is fog outside with really thick cloud outside; it might rain today. I had my breakfast, and double checked my bag. "You don't have any time to waste, Ruikai." My mum shouts at me from downstairs in Mandarin. Sometimes is really annoying, but I am used to that. I am now 18 is not really work for her, so instead I decide not to answer. "Your flight is at 11 o'clock, have you check your bag." She asks me. "Yes", I answered this time. Well, I guess I have to log out now to help my mum. She is not the young woman anymore; she need her 18-year-old son's help. I just feel exciting to visit the Warner's family and Manitoba.

10:13 a.m
Now, I am at Vancouver Airport. My mum drove me here. It starts to rain when I get here. My plane is already here with a Cathay Pacific plane lays besides it. I have about 15 minutes, then I will get on the flight to Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is really boring right now, I just want to get on the plane right now.

10:41 a.m
The flight is delayed because of the fog, and I am not sure when it will be delayed to.

7:27 p.m
It is so comfortable, the big single bed, with the nice TV in front of me. Now, I am in the Radisson Hotel that is located in downtown Winnipeg. Compare to what is on the plane, it is way better. I was sitting besides the washroom, and trying to sleep. Every time, people walked by woke me up. Winnipeg's weather is very similar to Vancouver's. It is still bright outside. I can see the Winnipeg's downtown and the Red River from my window. That was tired; the flight was delayed to 12:30, and it just took me so long to get here. I borrow a car and a GPS from the airport that I can travel easy; It is a small Honda. It was not far from Winnipeg Airport to here, and it was about 20 minutes' drive. I took a shower when I got here. It is still nice outside, but I just don't want to go out today, because I am tired and just want to sleep. But I still have to go out to find something to eat. I am really hungry now.

9:02 p.m
I walked along the Red River's ridge. I could see St.Boniface which is on the other side of the Red River. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the Esplanade Riel, which is a pedestrian bridge that connect downtown Winnipeg and St.Boniface. It is on the top of the beautiful Red River, and is paired with a vehicular bridge, Provencher Bridge. The Esplanade Riel bridge is only one of a few in the world in that it has a restaurant on it. I heard I can have an excellent view of the river and the bridge's structure in there. But even I was really hungry , I decided not eat there, because it is extremely expensive. I bought some food, and took them back to the Hotel. I just feel, it is wealth for me to go out to see the night of downtown Winnipeg.

10:40 p.m
Even I am really tired, I can't fall asleep. I sit on the bed, and keep watching a French channel which I cannot understand. Maybe is the beautiful night is still in my mind and make me cannot fall asleep, or it is the expectation of what will I see make me awake. It just makes me so exciting. I am looking forward what will I see tomorrow. 

